Gallon per minute is a unit of volume flow rate. It can be converted to liters per minute using the following formula: 1. GPM = LPM * 1.754.
The gallons per minute (GPM) calculator is a tool that will convert gallons of water to liters per minute. You can also use this tool to determine how long it takes for a shower to fill up or how many gallons of water a garden hose will pump in a minute.
This page contains a list of online converters that let you change units from US-gallons per minute to other measurements. This includes liters per minute, cubic meter per second, acre-ft per day, and more. To use the conversion tool, simply enter the number of gallons per minute you want to convert and select the appropriate unit.
The gallons per minute (GPM) is an American measure of volume. It is a decimal-based unit of measurement, and it is commonly used in the United States. The gallons per minute unit is also referred to as the gal/min, gallon per hour, and gph (UK). It has a relation to velocity: 1 gpm = 1/12 cfs. This unit is a member of the Category:Volume flow rate, along with Acre Foot Per Month, Barrel (US, Liq.) Per Day, Cubic Centimeter Per Second, Cubic Foot Per Minute, CFM, Cubic Inch Per Second, Cubic Yard Per Minute, and Cumec (musec). For more information about this Category see Flow Rate and Its Relation to Velocity from the LibreTexts Physics website. gpm to lpm converter